Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dear Abby,

I am going to apologize yet again because the post below is what I wrote 6 months ago! I must have started it, had to leave to tend to you or your brother and never went back to it.  The good news is, I have taken wonderful notes all about you to fill into your baby book and update this blog, so you will get a proper post once we are done celebrating you at your big 1st Birthday Party on Saturday!
I love you, Abby!

Now...onto the post that was started 6 months ago.  It is not a completed post, but might as well start now and maybe I will have Abby's 1st year documented before she graduates high school!

Dear Abby,

I am sorry to have to tell you, but you are the second child.  As much as I swore you would receive all the same treatment as the first, it has not happened.  Now don't get me wrong, you get just as much attention and love as AJ (you are quite possibly held even more than he was at your age thanks to all your colic and "issues") but I have lacked in the blog posting, picture taking, baby booking departments.  It may have taken me 6 months, but here you go Abby - this post is for you!


Just as we thought would happen, Abby arrived on Super Bowl Sunday - February 5, 2012!  After spending all day Saturday doing some last minute shopping for the nursery and whatnot, I had my first contraction on my way home from the store around 6pm.  The second came 20 minutes later, the third followed the 2nd 10 minutes later and the 4th came in 6 minutes after the 3rd.  Things were happening quickly!  Despite the quick progression I decided I needed to put AJ to bed one last time as an only child and then blow-dry my hair.  We finally got to the hospital around 9:30 at which point my contractions were a steady 4-5 minutes apart.  My first check was done around 10:30pm and I was 5cm.  I was feeling good and ready for the baby so I decided to decline the epidural and walk the halls. By 11:30 I was 7cm and told if I keep walking the baby should be out within the hour - so on we walked (me, Art, and my mom).  Well I got to 8 cm and then things just seemed to slow down, or maybe they didn't really and I just thought they did because of the horrific pain I was now feeling.  It was too late for an epidural and I did not want any IV drugs that would make Abby groggy, so drug-free it had to be. When I got to 9cm, I was BEGGING my doctor to let me push (in between cries of "I can't do this!).  He of course would not let me and though I think in actuality it was only another 30 minutes before I reached 10cm, it felt like forever! At 3:31am I began pushing and 8 minutes and 4 pushes later out came Abs. Or should I say out shot Abs - there was no "oh look there's the head, now push and there's the shoulders" it was all ok I'm pushing this baby out in one shot and that I did! Luckily my doctor was a great receiver, because apparently I shot that kid out like a cannonball.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Still here, still preggo!

I guess nesting has somewhat kicked in because I have been on a mission to try and do all the little projects I have been adding to the list I made when I found out I was pregnant back in June. The bedroom has been cleaned and bassinet is set up next to my bed, Abby's stenciling on the accent wall is 2/3 complete, AJ is totally moved over to the "big boy" room (although, we had to move the crib as well because a certain stubborn boy refuses to sleep in said "big boy" bed), I have finally set up the swing, pack and play and other various baby items, and best of all I have been ON TOP of the laundry and dishes - no piles looming in this house! The biggest news of all...THE PIANO IS GONE!!! I feel like I have regained some control over my family room, but I know it will be limited control because it will be a blink of an eye and then Abby's toys will be joining AJ's toys and I will lose my space once again. Ah, motherhood!

I think since the doctor told me 2 weeks ago I could go at anytime, I have been cursed and Abby will arrive on time or late. No big deal I suppose, leaves more time to finish up some other projects. Maybe I will even get the guest room *somewhat* organized for my parents. (Please don't expect too much, Mom and Dad, clean sheets and a clear path to the bed might be all I can accomplish in that room!) I go back to my doctor on Wednesday, at which point we will discuss a possible induction.

AJ has been a typical 2 1/2 year old - extremely funny and equally challenging. He has a great vocabulary and actually talks in complete sentences but he also has typical meltdowns and tantrums when he does not get his way. The last two baby molars are finally coming in on the bottom and they have interfered with nap time, just like all the other teeth that came in before. We are all about Toy Story 3, Cars 2 and Thomas the Train nowadays. It is fun to watch AJ act out the movies with his toys and see him grow and develop. I think he is going to be a great big brother and will try to help too much with Abby. Let's just say I won't be leaving them alone together in a room even while I run to pee!

That's about all for now - a picture post will follow in the next couple of days (assuming I am not in the hospital).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Exciting posts coming soon!

Santa was VERY good to me this year and I got a fun new toy to make blogging that much easier! I am going to wait to do a full Christmas post until I have my new desktop set up and I can upload my pics. I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

64 days?!??!

I strolled on over to the blog today only to be hit by two things:

1. I have not posted since November 9th!! Shame on me, slap on the hand. It seriously feels like I just updated a week ago - must have been in my dreams.


2. Only 64 days until my due date - YIKES!!!

So much to do and apparently only 64 days - guess I need to get a move on it!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October in Review

I sucked it up and uploaded my pictures one at a time - super slow - but the only way it was going to happen. So here is October in pictures. Enjoy!

Oct. 9th - We went to Brandie and Steve's house for an Eagles party. While there, we celebrated Mom's (Grandma's) birthday. The kids got her a Kindle and cover and she was very excited.

Oct. 15th - AJ's first book signing. Laura Numeroff released a new book - If You Give a Dog a Donut - and was at a local Barnes and Noble for a book signing. AJ chatted her up big time and told her all about his dog "Sto-we." She, like everyone else, got a big kick out of my little talker and told me he was 2 going on 4. Boy don't we know it!

The following day, Oct. 16th, we took a family outing to Sesame Place with Art's family. AJ had
a blast, though I don't know who enjoys the rides more - AJ or Art, and we even got a nice family photo on the way out.

On Oct. 23rd, we went to OC to celebrate Daddy and Grandpa's birthdays. AJ loves to sing "Happy Birthday" and has even started singing it whenever he sees a lit candle. (He even sang to the jack-o-lanterns last night!)

Birthday celebrations were followed by trick-or-treating on the boardwalk. It was a beautiful day and we all had a lot of fun. AJ loves to visit with Grandma and Grandpa!

When I tried to get AJ to smile for the picture, he only wanted to turn around and show me his "chicken butt!"

Helping Grandpa push the wagon after a fun afternoon collecting candy.

Finally ready to sit and enjoy the treats!

We drove around last night so AJ could trick-or-treat at the houses of all of the local family. It was a long night, but he had a lot of fun and ended the evening with a pizza party with his cousins.

That pretty much sums up October, now on to November. We don't have much planned for the month as we really need to buckle down and get this house in order and ready for baby #2! I know we have 3 months, but I really want everything done before December so we can really relax and enjoy the holidays. Besides - decorating, shopping, celebrating, cleaning and finding space for all the new toys will be a job in itself!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blogger Blues!

I have been working on a post and blogger will not upload my pictures - GRRR!
Stay tuned, I will keep at it!