Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still here!

Man, I sure did check out for quite some time! Sorry about that. I will play catch up in photos, much more fun than reading a boring post anyway.

AJ 11 Months

1st Birthday, July 10, 2010 - we had a pig roast and lots of fun!

Ocean City Pamper Scamper August 10, 2010 - AJ said, "NO! NO! NO!" and cried, needless to say he did not place.

Tuckered out from all that crying

We spent the rest of the day at the beach, AJ had his own "Beach Club" with a private umbrella and pool filled with ocean water, oh to be 1 again.

Not so sure about the actual ocean

Thanks for checking in on us, I will *try* to be more diligent in my posting.