Monday, January 30, 2012

Still here, still preggo!

I guess nesting has somewhat kicked in because I have been on a mission to try and do all the little projects I have been adding to the list I made when I found out I was pregnant back in June. The bedroom has been cleaned and bassinet is set up next to my bed, Abby's stenciling on the accent wall is 2/3 complete, AJ is totally moved over to the "big boy" room (although, we had to move the crib as well because a certain stubborn boy refuses to sleep in said "big boy" bed), I have finally set up the swing, pack and play and other various baby items, and best of all I have been ON TOP of the laundry and dishes - no piles looming in this house! The biggest news of all...THE PIANO IS GONE!!! I feel like I have regained some control over my family room, but I know it will be limited control because it will be a blink of an eye and then Abby's toys will be joining AJ's toys and I will lose my space once again. Ah, motherhood!

I think since the doctor told me 2 weeks ago I could go at anytime, I have been cursed and Abby will arrive on time or late. No big deal I suppose, leaves more time to finish up some other projects. Maybe I will even get the guest room *somewhat* organized for my parents. (Please don't expect too much, Mom and Dad, clean sheets and a clear path to the bed might be all I can accomplish in that room!) I go back to my doctor on Wednesday, at which point we will discuss a possible induction.

AJ has been a typical 2 1/2 year old - extremely funny and equally challenging. He has a great vocabulary and actually talks in complete sentences but he also has typical meltdowns and tantrums when he does not get his way. The last two baby molars are finally coming in on the bottom and they have interfered with nap time, just like all the other teeth that came in before. We are all about Toy Story 3, Cars 2 and Thomas the Train nowadays. It is fun to watch AJ act out the movies with his toys and see him grow and develop. I think he is going to be a great big brother and will try to help too much with Abby. Let's just say I won't be leaving them alone together in a room even while I run to pee!

That's about all for now - a picture post will follow in the next couple of days (assuming I am not in the hospital).