And I definitely want to enter Stoli in the Funny pet category, but I am torn on what he should wear. This is one of my favorites,

but I am not sure if it has enough in it to win it!
Then I was also thinking of maybe putting him in a polo shirt (with the collar popped of course), his shorts, and sunglasses, and letting him stand on the corvette seat with his paws on the wheel. He could be one happening dog. Stoli has been in the corvette before and he has even put his paws on the wheel, so I don't think I will get much objection from Art. But maybe to be safe, it will be another one of those Saturday projects while Art is at work kinda things.
I had a visitor at work today that reminded of a day little A. was in the office with me. I was sitting at my desk and noticed a halloween bug crawling on my stack of invoices (we call them Halloween bugs because they are black and orange, or black and red, but I think they are actually called boxelder bugs). Anyway, these bugs frequently visit us in the office, and apparently they are frequent visitors to little A. at home as well. When she was here, I had her set up in the back room off of the main office watching tv and coloring. Well she came out of her "private office" with this disgusted look on her face and something pinched between her fingers. She went straight to Uncle Art's desk and said, "Uncle Art this BUG (drawn out and emphasized with disgust and annoyance) was on my desk and I DO NOT like bugs, so you need to do something about it." At this point we were all rolling over laughing and asked her why she would pick up and carry the bug to us if she does not like them so much. Little A. did not have a reason, but went on to tell us that she has these bugs at home on her window and they "seriously gross her out, for real!" So Uncle Art took the bug from her and squished it in a tissue, then little A. was on her way. So when I had my visitor on my desk today, I cried out, "EWWW, Uncle Art! I do not like this BUG and you NEED to do something about it!" So thanks A. for making us laugh again!
1 comment:
I think the picture of Stolie in the car would be a winner. Can you get a cigarette in his mouth for the picture with Stitch?
We are thinking of you here in the Caymans.
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