Well, I did not deliver on the kitchen pictures, but they will be up by the end of the week. I am, however, giving the promised pictures of AJ. The ultrasound today went very well, everything looks great. My boy is HUGE! He is weighing in at 4 pounds 5 ounces, and if he continues to grow at the expected rate of 1/2 pound per week, we are looking at a 9 pound baby...OUCH! His feet are already measuring at 2 1/2 inches long, we were told to kiss newborn booties goodbye because big foot will not be fitting into them. He also has big hands with long fingers. AJ is head down and he was not interested in showing us his face, he kept it buried or covered with his hands pretty much the whole time.
Here he is hiding his face, you can see his big hand and he is kinda smirking

Here is the measurement of his foot, the bottom right shows you it is 6.62 cm or appx 2 1/2 in!

Here is the 4D pic of big foot

This are his long fingers holding his forearm and his leg bent below
A close up of his long leg, the measurement showed us he is going to be tall!
A half peek of AJ's cute little face

So I may not have posted the kitchen pictures yet, but I think the pictures of AJ are more fun anyway! Check back later this week for the kitchen update.
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