Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The eviction notice has been given!

As I mentioned earlier today, I had my 39 week appointment today and basically the doctor has given AJ his eviction notice. I have made no progress in the past 2 weeks and based on AJ's activity levels, he is quite content in the womb. The doctor told me the chances of me going into labor in the next week are slim, and based on AJ's size, he would like to do an induction this week so we can maybe avoid a c-section next week. The doctor called L&D and I am scheduled to check in at the hospital tomorrow night at 5pm. They will admit me and put a gel on my cervix to soften it, then on Friday morning they will start the pitocin. So it looks like AJ will be arriving sometime this weekend. The doctor me told so long as neither the baby nor I develop any problems, they will try the pitocin for anywhere from 48-72 hours. If it is not successful, then we will start talking about a c-section. So today was officially my last day of work and tomorrow I will be finishing up the laundry and housework I wanted done before AJ's arrival.

Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted!

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