So much to write about so little time. I guess I will start with Halloween, AJ was a monkey and Stoli was the banana. We did not get any pictures on Halloween, because it was 75 degrees outside and AJ was not very comfortable in his heavy costume. But here are a couple I took on a happy morning. AJ wore his skeleton outfit all day and I think he enjoyed looking like the snoopy skeleton his Great Grandma and Great Granddad sent him.

This past week, we have all been worrying about our Stoli dog. On Tuesday morning he was throwing up, nothing too out of normal, but then by lunchtime he was vomiting bright red blood and had bloody diarrhea. I called his vet and she said get him to the ER right away. Luckily, there is a new animal hospital only 15 minutes away from us, so we went there instead of Red Bank. He was admitted right away and given the initial diagnosis of severe pancreatitis. They did not how if he would pull through and we were very scared. The next day he had 2 plasma transfusions and more tests. In addition to his pancreatitis and gastroenteritis, they thought he may have intestinal blockage. They kept monitoring him by ultrasound and x-ray. By Thursday, he had stopped having stools, and the tests were more supportive of blockage. We went and met with the surgeon and he told us there is a 25% chance there is no blockage, but they needed to go in to see and if there is not blockage to biopsy his organs. Well, there was no blockage. They biopsied 5 organs and we are hoping they all come back normal and it would have just been a severe case of pancreatitis and gastroenteritis. Stoli came home Saturday and is resting at home. He is not allowed to run, play, or jump for 2 weeks! Poor poochie!
AJ had his 4 month pediatrician appointment of Thursday, he did well and I will write about that when I upload his 4 month pictures.
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